The Next Generation of Evangelicals

This video made me squirm. It was so dead on and so disturbing. The first thing I thought when I watched it was “what do any of these words actually mean?” and I was convinced that, for most of them at least, I did not know.

Now, I grew up outside of any sort of church setting and didn’t attend a church (with maybe two exceptions) until I was sixteen years old.  Until then, “secular” music was known as “music” and “guarding my heart” was done with Kevlar in a guerrilla warfare situation. And lo and behold, my first experience with a church was a small, Acts 29 church plant of 30-odd young folks. From there I learned some of the evangelical jargon, but stayed away from other linguistic patterns that I found trite (I still think one of the great exegetical swindles of the last 150 years was the use of the phrase “guard your heart”…don’t get me started…). From early on, I was critical of the church’s lingo and sought not to say things that I didn’t mean, I blame it on the fact that I was a reader growing up.

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