Christmas Mourning

There is a special sadness upon entering a home where there has been a death and seeing a Christmas tree and under it perhaps presents for the deceased. The contrast between the joys of the season and the grief of loss is stark.

If there is to be a funeral at the church during Advent or the Christmas season, there is strength in leaving the worship space as it is for ongoing worship of God. To do so communicates that life and death are both part of an ongoing flow. In some traditions, the color of the paraments for services of death and resurrection is always changed to white, regardless of the season, a practice that in many Western cultures represents confidence in the resurrection. I do not argue with that custom. Another view is that the use of the seasonal color (purple or blue during Advent) signals that in the midst of death as in the midst of life, the church tells the saving story of Jesus. It is the same story that it was before the death occurred! You might discuss these options as you do service planning with the family.

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